Feb, 28, 2025

Vol.58 No.1

학회 연락처


  • The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering
  • Volume 56(5); 2023
  • Article


The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2023;56(5):328-334. Published online: Oct, 31, 2023

플라즈마 질화처리한 사출금형소재의 비정질 탄소계 박막 증착에 따른 기계적 특성 향상 효과

  • 김혜민a, 김대욱b*
    a신슈대학 물질화학과, b한국생산기술연구원

The carbon-based films have various properties, which have been widely applied in industrial application. However, it has critical drawback for poor adhesion between films and metal substrate. In the present work, we have deposited carbon-based films on injection mold steel by plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD). In order to improve adhesion, prior to film deposition, the substrate was nitriding-treated using PACVD. And its effect on the adhesion was investigated. Due to the pre-nitriding, the amorphous carbon nitride (a-CN:H) films presented 10 times higher adhesion (34.9 N) than that of un-nitirided. In addition, a friction coefficient was decreased from 0.29 to 0.15 for the amorphous carbon (a-C:H) due to improved adhesion. The obtained results demonstrated that pre-nitriding considerably improved the adhesion, and the relationship among adhesion, hardness, and surface roughness was discussed in detail.

키워드 Plasma assistant chemical vapor deposition, Adhesion, Amorphous carbon nitride