Feb, 28, 2025

Vol.58 No.1

학회 연락처


  • The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering
  • Volume 56(5); 2023
  • Article


The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2023;56(5):335-340. Published online: Oct, 31, 2023

Ti–Al–Si–Cu–N 후막의 Cu 조성에 따른 기계적 특성과 미세구조 변화에 관한 연구

  • 이연학a†, 허성보b†, 박인욱a, 김대일a*
    a울산대학교 첨단소재공학부, b한국생산기술연구원 동남본부 첨단하이브리드생산기술센터

Quinary component of 3μm thick Ti-Al-Si-Cu-N films were deposited onto WC-Co and Si wafer substrates by using an arc ion plating(AIP) system. In this study, the influence of copper(Cu) contents on the mechanical properties and microstructure of the films were investigated. The hardness of the films with 3.1 at.% Cu addition exhibited the hardness value of above 42 GPa due to the microstructural change as well as the solid-solution hardening. The instrumental analyses revealed that the deposited film with Cu content of 3.1 at.% was a nano-composites with nano-sized crystallites (5–7 nm in dia.) and a thin layer of amorphous Si3N4 phase.

키워드 Ti–Al–Si–Cu–N; Nano-composite; Nano-hardness; Microstructure; Arc ion plating.