Feb, 28, 2025

Vol.58 No.1

학회 연락처


  • The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering
  • Volume 56(6); 2023
  • Article


The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2023;56(6):443-450. Published online: Dec, 28, 2023

환경차폐코팅용 이터븀 실리케이트의 고온 수증기부식 거동

  • 김민지a,b, 최재형a,b, 김성원a,*
    a한국세라믹기술원 이천분원 엔지니어링소재센터, b고려대학교 신소재공학과

SiC/SiCf CMC is vulnerable to water vapor corrosion at a high temperature of 1500℃. So, EBC (Environmental Barrier Coating) materials are required to protect Si-based CMCs. Ytterbium silicates are reported to coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) similar to that of the based material, such as SiC/SiCf CMC. When the EBC materials expose to high temperature environment, the interface between ytterbium silicates and SiC/SiCf CMC is not separated, and the coating purpose can be safely achieved. For the perspective of EBC applications, thermally grown oxide (TGO) layer with different CTE is formed by the reaction with water vapor in EBC, which leads to a decrease in life time. In this study, we prepare the two types of ytterbium silicates to observe the corrosion behavior during the expose to high temperature and water vapor. In order to observe this behavior, the steam-jet furnace is prepared. In addition, phase formation of these ytterbium silicates is analyzed with microstructures by the before/after steam-jet evaluation at 1500℃ for 100 h.

키워드 Environmental barrier coatings(EBCs); ytterbium disilicate; steam-jet; phase formation.