Feb, 28, 2025

Vol.58 No.1

학회 연락처


  • The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering
  • Volume 57(2); 2024
  • Article


The Korean Society of Surface Science and Engineering 2024;57(2):92-97. Published online: May, 16, 2024


싸이클론 전해환원방법을 이용한 LiBr 용액내의 Cu 불순물 제거에 관한 연구

  • 박다정a, 이규환a,b*
    a한국재료연구원 나노표면재료연구본부 전기화학연구실, b과학기술연합대학원대학교 신소재공학전공

The LiBr aqueous solution, which is the absorption liquid of absorption refrigerator, must be replaced periodically because the concentration of impurities such as Cu2+, Fe2+, Ca2+, etc., increases due to corrosion of the tubes as the period of use increases, and the refrigeration efficiency decreases significantly. In order to reuse the waste absorption liquid, flocculation-precipitation method is mainly applied to precipitate the impurities, which requires hundreds of times the concentration of impurities and generates additional waste. In this study, a process for removing Cu ion impurities from cyclone electrolyzer by electrolytic reduction is presented in a small-scale facility without additional waste. It was confirmed that Cu ion impurities can be removed down to 1 ppm by electrolytic reduction process, and to further improve the removal rate, the mass transfer rate was increased by using a cyclone electrolyzer. The removal rate of Cu ions increased with the increase of flow rate and current density, and it was confirmed that Cu was removed at a rate of 1.48 ppm/h under the condition of 330 mL/sec and 2.5 mA/cm2.

키워드 Absorption refrigerator, Lithium bromide, Copper ion impurity, Electrowinning, Cyclone